Why do we need it or seek it when we’re not really under any kind of arrest?
It’s usually associated with the norm, the habit, the repetitive lifestyle one lives.
Fed up? Escape.
I can actually take it a bit further and say we bottle the feeling in and think it’s under control till it erupts without prior notice.
I’m sitting at a local (international) cafe writing this blog and feel relieved.. all I did was change the scene. Didn’t travel, didn’t even go to another neighborhood.
So every how often do we need this? Whenever is the answer.
Alone or with people? Doesn’t matter, what matters is what you feel like doing and with who.
Where? Anywhere but here will do.
Why? Cause change is a good thing, little change or big change they’re all good for you.
Why you repeat it and can’t stay put is an eye opener. Could be you need drastic change? Or not.
Good morning from here 🌴