Happiness & Negativity revisited
What was once considered happiness has been debunked by the actions of those who we thought were actually happy.
Money is not happiness, it’s a means to do what you love to do when you want to do it with whomever, wherever..It’s a tool.
Negativity was once the culprit of all our problems and life failures.
I have been a strong believer in positivity, but I also failed to understand the true power of negativity.
You see, the media blows things up into unfathomaoble proportions. Then the world follows blindly. Some become vampires and zombies spreading the positivity virus without knowing what the hell they’re talking about.
Happiness and negativity need to be tailored to a personal taste and level.
What it means to me differs from how you perceive it.
If I used negativity correctly in a proper way my life results will be more positive, ironic I know yet true.
If I tag my happiness to an amount or product or material thing or human even and I strike it or strike out early or late in life, what then?
More of that? I don’t think so.
It’s like the first high drug users experience, then spend a lifetime chasing the dragons and elves that once entertained them.
Dig deeper, adapt your knowledge and beliefs, what’s common belief isn’t necessarily your cup of tea.
Have a great day!