Let them fight for your time!
Who are we talking about here?
People? Clients? Family & Friends? Companies?
Non of the above.
I’m talking about all your goals and tasks that scream for your attention daily.
Get your act together and find the most important one that will deliver 90% of your growth and give it 90% of your time.
Give all the others 10% including your health. You know that without your heath you won’t do anything so obliviously it’s gonna fight for it’s right on your schedule.
This is the only way in todays distraction filled world to get the important stuff taken care of because the rest just happens.
10% is more than enough, because it’s way you’ll change from a dreamer to an achiever.
An achiever doesn’t have 20 goals on his plate at any given point in time, only 3 max. That way he can score goals and more goals and achieve way much more in his focused items.
So, let the fight and get real.
Have a great productive bullshit free day!