Look at all these options!
Our world today has become richer than ever before and has made us swim in abundance…
That means more of everything.. when I say everything I do mean that literally;
- Produce
- Products
- Services
- Media
- Information
- People
- Relationships
- Travel
- Entertainment
- Work
I could go on forever, it’s actually crazy!
So how do we navigate all these options that seem to be reproducing and multiplying?
I think there is a way although no way is the only way, it is however a way.
First thing that’s a must is to respect oneself and know your value… never think less of yourself and accept whatever comes your way.. you deserve the best.
Remember that choice in life is optional.. you don’t have to, yes you can chose and you do it all the time.
And guess what you can also change your mind..
With fewer options we can choose faster and easier, the more the options the more the complexity.
How to make better and faster or smoother decisions and reduce the anxiety with the option overload:
- Know yourself: who are you? What do you like and dislike?
- Know your values & priorities
- Set clear objectives for yourself
- Weigh he pros and cons of any option you have, after a few attempts it becomes so easy you don’t even have to write them down.
- Research and read into the option(s)
- Trust your instincts and intuition
In the end you’re going to make so many mistakes and wish you never made them.
Then you’re going to find that your choices and decisions have become better..
They became better because of the mistakes you made earlier.. so the more decisions we make the better we become at this art.
The worst you can do is stall, delay, postpone and procrastinate… life will not wait for you.
Happy option elimination and choice 😉