New year, new price
Everything worthwhile has a price, without going into a debate as to what and who, trust me when I say everything.
So it’s another new year, new hopes, new dreams and most importantly new goals.
The roads to execution are many, some straightforward and many crooked and fruitless: Choose wisely.
When I say wisely I’m not talking about some Greek philosophy, I’m asking you to take time away from your distracted, busy life and study what works best for you..not them, you personally.
It’s not easy, that’s the first price you’ll have to cough up and pay.
It takes patience and quick acid testing, you need to be up and going in the next few days; another price.
You need to be crystal clear and focused on exactly what it is you want to accomplish after 365 days, one clear measurable goal per area of your life; another price.
You need to understand that easy things are useless, a dime a dozen, a trick your mind plays to make you feel accomplished.
Distinguish what’s worth your time, sweat, effort; Pay up.
When all that’s done, you need to invest in some modern day application that can take the heat off your mind, you need it CLEARLY written down somewhere: a small price to pay for peace of mind.
After inserting all your goals, you need to prioritize them, if you could choose only three goals..which would you choose? Do you know them by heart? Price.
Now, after all that blah blah that you most probably know, know this, the most expensive and most important price you will have to pay is:
- Effort
- Showing up every single day
- Patience
- Blocked time to work on your goals
- Removal of useless people and things
- Less explaining and complaining
- More doing and completing
- Benchmarks to raise
- Competence and self respect
- Competing with yourself mindset
I’m done here, everything I mentioned here I have already paid forward.
I wish you the absolute best, Happy new year and until we meet again, stay safe, stay great, go smash those targets!