Started something new today
I have this podcast that I’ve been producing for more than 10 years now… it’s called نتكلم بزنس I got bored and stopped recording lately.
It’s not that it’s over, just bored in general. So what did I do? I did nothing basically, left it there untouched so I don’t Ruin it.
But I also did something else, I started a new shorter version, daily with video too. I think the first episode got me excited again, and my engine is back to full throttle.
I also wrote a very big surprise comeback episode that will rock my listeners world for sure! How do I know that?
Because I consider myself one of them.. and if I love it they will too..I’m that confident of this approach.
My benchmark is my own work, what I create and that’s how I stay fresh.. I know what’s going on out there in the industry but it doesn’t affect my core. I can adjust a bit or pivot, but the original recipe stays the same.
Why am I telling you this personal a story?
To show you or give you an idea of what to do when you get bored or stagnate a bit.. you create another project to get you excited because it carries with it the beauty of starting something new.
Keep that going on a trial basis, test it here and there, adjust if it works great! If it doesn’t so what you tried and used it to get back on track.
Now excuse me it’s Ramadan and I only slept for two hours so I guess it’s bed time for me at 1:30 pm here in Jeddah.
See ya!