Staying open
We all know what it’s like to have an open mind or live,work with/for someone who has that kind of mentality.
It’s not the norm you see, it’s a rare trait.
Simply put it opens doors.
To what you ask? Well..
To a whole life of opportunities you never knew existed or even thought about.
The beauty of staying open in life is that it has no entry barriers or requirements, you can literally start right now.
It can change your life, introduce you to someone new or open your eyes to get rid of someone that’s been bothering you for so long.
It can unlock a valley of hidden treasures simply because you lent an ear, read something out of your taste and genre.
The idea itself is rejuvenating and exhilarating, to step away from your own thoughts, beliefs and biases for a minute.. or two.
To get to see how another life sees life, or how a young child watches with amazement something you take for granted..
Open your mind and life without a single constraint and watch life reward you with unexpected rich full flavors of the good stuff.
You never know what’s waiting for you behind mystery door number 6?
Only with an open mindset will you experience the unexpected and fruits of life reserved for a select few; the open and welcoming bunch.
Happy Friday