The Valley of lost dreams
Remember when we thought that life was a straight line from where we are to where we want to go? Then we found out the hard way that it wasn’t after hitting so many dead ends no one mentioned.
From there we had two options; To either give in to the sight of masses coming back complaining and whining about the lost time and effort and shattered dreams?
Or the one’s that never came back our way? The ones that we found out later in life that they had made it to the other side.
There is this valley of death that consumes the not so serious dreamers, one that destroys goals that are not clear, milestones covered in dirt. A valley so harsh it can destroy peoples lives and turns them into zombies living day to day without ambition.
This place is where you meet your obstacles and complications, the place that consumes the very last drop of your excitement and enthusiasm.
It is a place where only the really determined minds know it’s only a matter of time and the valley gives in.
This valley of death and shattered dreams including goals is everywhere in our lives.
- It can be a career goal or a financial one
- It can be a health related one or relationship one
- It can be educational or recreational
- It can also be in normal day to day rituals that are essential and good for you
Everywhere you look or attempt to accomplish anything beyond your normal comfort zones it will be there.
So what do you do?
The answer is both simple and achievable, you need to treat your life like a journey.
Any journey requires:
- An idea of where you want to go
- A map of the journey
- Planning and preparation
- Clearly written guidelines that have all the necessary pitfalls and dangers taken care of before hand, not after or worse during!
- A supply of whatever you need during the journey
Take a look at those things and make notes of what it is you need for your next goal, actually write them down and after that compare your progress to when you didn’t have any.
Anything worth doing that will change your life will never be a walk in the park, it will be harder than anything you ever encountered, it will rarely be the same as anything previously accomplished also.
An example would be the time you see no change in your body when you’re killing yourself in the gym and strictly abiding to your healthy diet and sleeping well. You will not see any significant change at the start and usually during the first stages of your new commitment.
You will hear your long forgotten friends that you bump into suddenly tell you that you’ve gained weight and look different, you won’t fit in your clothes that you love, you might even shy away from social interactions.
All that that I’ve just mentioned is a good example of the valley of death, it’s the delays and discomfort, the setbacks and frustrations, the pace that isn’t fast enough for your taste and ambitions.
You need to hang in there, because most of the people that fail to accomplish their goals usually give up just near the opening in the valley.. seriously, a few more days or steps and they would have crossed over into the land of opportunity and self success.
You need to keep going even when you think it’s useless and there’s no point of it, you need to use the comments, the constraints, the bad moments and days asa FUEL that you burn to get through this valley.
I hope I have made my point clear and I also hope I see you on the other side, good luck!