When’s a good time?
Days don’t get faster than they’ve always been, we get busy living.
While we do that, living I mean, we tend to get lost in our day to day and forget our year to years.
Childhood dreams are the first to go, teenage rockstar fame follows.
We start to delay long term personal growth and trade them for instant fix-me-now moves.
What I think we should never forget is to stop frequently ( define frequently otherwise it’s a Myth) and ask ourselves deep questions, the more we grow the more we need to question ourselves.
Things like:
- Why do I still have 2003 to-do lists?
- What would my 2023 self say about my 2020 self?
- When will I end this toxic relationship and all other irritating ones?
- When will I really prove to myself that I actually can, instead of “I know I can but not now”
- How do I calculate my hourly rate so I know what’s worth my time and WHO isn’t?
- What hobbies died? What are lingering in the background? What need immediate attention…today?
- Why did I start what I started and why am I giving up now?
- Why are my surroundings (people and things) not reflecting my dreams and life ambitions? Could this be the reason I’m way behind?
So, when do you think is a good time?
Go make history and don’t forget to make them smile while you’re at it!